About us

The family Wolfartsberger in Steyr is a traditional citizen family. Since many generations the family has been living in the city and the origin goes back to the 17th century. South of the city there is the "Wohlfahrtsberg", even to be found on google maps and in the general map of Austria. Here you can find a small lane on the hills near St.Ulrich called the "Wohlfahrtsbergweg" where our ancesters are told to come from . . . . . . .

Already in the middle of the 19th century our ancester Peter Wohlfahrtsberger (*born 1802) and his wife were running an inn named 'Zum Grünen Kranz' in house No 4 at 'Grünmarkt' in Steyr. Approximately 1870 their son Johann Wolfartsberger (*born 1840) and his wife Anna (*born 1843) girl's name Haselroithner from Wels (photo right above) start an iron and steel trading. 1876 they bought the 'Redtenbacher- or Madlsederhaus' house close to the 'Marienkirche' (ex 'Dominicanerkirche') and stop the shop in the house 'Grünmarkt No 4. The second picture on the right hand side shows an ancient picture of the house at Stadtplatz No 39 by F. Kulstrunk. The third picture on the right shows the family Johann and Anna Wolfartsberger at 1904 together with the six children (f.l.t.r. Josef, Johann sen, Anton, Theres, Auguste, Johann jun behind, Mitzi and Anna sen). The last picture on the right shows an inscription label of house No 39, which even today shows the ancient times.

The two sons Johann and Josef Wolfartsberger run the iron and steel trading shop until the 1950ties. After their deaths the house was sold to F. P. Hofer in 1954, who runs another shop of same style at Stadtplatz already. The rest of the family changed to Neuschönau.
Son Johann and his wife Berta had two children: Maria (*born 1904) and Otto (*born 1906); Maria was married to Franz Wagner, no kids. Otto was married 1943 to mistress teacher Anna Patreider from Linz. After second world war both changed back to Steyr. Otto was schoolmaster and principal of Handelsschule in Steyr and from 1961 also from Handelsakademie until 1971, when he retired. He counts as founder of Handelsakademie in Steyr. Anna and Otto had four kids.

Pictures above left: Johann and Berta Wolfartsberger born name Stippl approx. 1900
Middle: Maria and Otto as children in wintertime around 1915 / 1916
Right: Hofrat Dkfm. Otto Wolfartsberger, principal of Handesakademie in Steyr approx. 1980.

Kurt was born in Freistadt, Upper Austria. After grammer and high school he studied at Technical University in Vienna and finished as a mechanical engineer (Dipl.-Ing.). Kurt has gained 40 years of experience for hydropower plants, at least with ANDRITZ HYDRO in Linz as department manager for technical offers worldwide. He visited many countries - like China, India, USA, Canada and many other countries in Asia and South America. Since February 1st, 2010 he is retired; additional three years he worked for his own company as a consultant for hydropower HydroPowerConsulting (HPC). From May 2013 on the office is officially closed.

Kurt is hobbyastronomer (Astro equipment) and he likes sailing in summer and skiing in winter in the Austrian Alps. - Our house in Steyr needs many helping hands and there is always something to do. He loves any kind of music, classic like Bruckner and Wagner or 'modern' especially guitar music (Paco de Lucia, Al di Meola, John McLaughlin). Sometimes he plays the piano as well. He works a lot on computer and iPad frequently.

Kurti on PC

Kurt has relatives in other countries like in Canada, in Australia and in USA.

LINK zu: The MOON and the SUN

Martha was born in Vienna and grown up in the city. She finished the school for medicine laboratory diagnostics in Vienna and started to work in the Vienna General Hospital - she joined other Medicine Laboratories in Vienna and in Linz during her professional job life. After her marriage she had two children (Anita and Sonja) and had to look after them.
Her mother Elisabeth Oppel lived in Rechnitz in Burgenland, close to the Hungarian border. Rechnitz is a wine growing region in the southern part of Burgenland ..... so called 'Weinidylle'.
Today Martha is busy in the household and garden, and takes care of the family's health too. She likes swimming, hiking, skiing and cooking.

Martha has relatives in the USA, in Benton Harbour near to Chicago and Martha, Anita and Sonja had visited them in summer 2001 there. - Martha has also relatives from her fathers side from 'Waldviertel' - Günther Oppel and his family - they emigrated to Canada. Here a photo of Günthers farmhouse.

Anita was born in Steyr. She has finished Higschool in Steyr with excellent results. Then she started her studies for Germanistics & Anglistics at the Vienna University and she had performed a year in London at the University College to improve her English. Her diploma thesis was about the cabaret 'Wiener Werkel' during the Second World War in Vienna and she finished her studies with an excellent result of her masters degree' examen. The doctor degree in English followed afterwards. - Anita's favourites are arts and any kind of cabaret, especially Alfred Dorfer, Guenther Paal, Roland Dueringer and Josef Hader . . . . . and she is in fond of the actor James Dean. She likes reading books and musics and in winter she is skiing and skitouring, in summer hiking in the mountains.

Link to Anita's book about 'Das Mittelstück im Wiener Werkel' (german only)

Anita's 'Fachbereichsarbeit' about cabaret (german only)

Sonja was born in Steyr and she has finished Highschool successfully. She finished her studies 'Land surveying and Geoinformation' at the Vienna University of Technology with the second examen (Dipl.-Ing.) - She likes cooking, musics and taking photographs, swimming, sailing, walking in summer ... and skiing and skating in wintertime.


Steyr is in Upper Austria, the city center is nearby the confluence of the rivers Enns and Steyr you can see on the photo. The city is also very old and traditional. It was founded in 980 A.D. so the city is more than 1,000 years old. Today there are approx. 38,000 inhabitants living in Steyr and it's an industrial city famous for the "Steyr-Trucks" company (today MAN), gears for Magna, SKF roller bearings and the BMW car engine production works. On the pictures above you can see the castle of Lamberg, the former "Styraburg", the confluence of Enns and Steyr rivers and the Saint Michaels church. There is a change ongoing since the 'Fachhochschule' is bringing many younger people and students to the city.

Our house is located in the southern part of the city, nearby the river Enns and close to the monestery of Garsten, one of the most beautiful places in Austria with a church of the Barock style and stuckart by Giovanni Carlone. Close to Steyr you can also find the small village of 'Christkindl' with its famous church and mail office, many letters will be sent every year to the whole world via Christkindl.

Pictures above from left: The church St. Michael, Buergespital as well as the castle of Lamberg at confluence of rivers Enns and Steyr (copyright M. Glaser) - The city arms of Steyr - The church in Garsten - The church in Christkindl / Steyr

Lake Attersee

Lake Attersee is located in a very beautiful landscape between Linz and Salzburg, the so called "Salzkammergut". Surrounded by other lakes like "Traunsee", "Mondsee" and "Zellersee" lake Attersee is the largest and the most beautiful as some people say. The mountains of the "Hoellengebirge" and "Schafberg" form the Alpin center of this region. We often like to stay in this nice area in summer when the weather is fine for swimming, sailing, surfing and fishing. On the mountains you can walk some exciting hiking tours in the"Hoellengebirge" or on the "Schafberg". The picture above shows lake Attersee seen from the Schafberg peak Panomax panoramic camera. The second picture on the right shows our 'Surprise' from lakeside and the third photo shows our 'Surprise' in the Marina Gebetsroither in Unterbuchberg.
Lake Attersee is famous for good and stabil winds for sailing. The 'Rosenwind' - coming from North-Eastern side - is the classic 'Good weather wind' and has many fans for sailing in Austria. Therefore many sailing races take place here on lake Attersee.

Yachts of Sonderklasse

Other beautiful sailing yachts

News (english)

Aurora northern lights in Europe January 1st, 2025

January 1st, 2025 at 18:50 h MET you could see aurora northern lights in Europe. The photos were shot from the Panomax cameras at Schafberg, Rossbrand near Radstadt and Pyramidenkogel in Keutschach, Carinthia. They all are copyright by Panomax.

Pyramidenkogel - Rossbrand with 'Bischofsmütze'

A short visit to Dresden, October 4th til 8th, 2024

From October 4th til 8th, 2024 we made a short visit to Dresden. Unfortunately the weather was lousie even on the trip to Dresden it was raining (left picture). Therefore there was a 'inside program'. We visited the inner city, Dresdener castle, Zwinger, Semper opera house and the broken Carola bridge. Visit to the science collection and the Green jewels in the castle, Gläserne Manufacture - Home of VW ID electric auto assembling band. Last day the weather was better - so we visited the Saxonian Switzerland and Bad Schandau - we took the Tram to Kirnitzschtal and hiked to 'Kuhstall' in the woods. Next day we returned to Steyr.

Dresden castle with Green Gewölbe - The broken Carola bridge on river Elbe
The cathedral - Semper opera house - The 'Zwinger'
Bad Schandau - The Tram to Kirnitzschtal - At 'Kuhstall' - Hike in the woods
Return trip on the highway - the Danube river bridge in Deggendorf

Storm defect on Surprise repair, September 2nd, 2024

After the heavy thunderstorm dated August 13th, 2024 - the repair of the starboard reling bar took place today. The reling bar was repaired by company LAIMER in Steyr - the bar was completely damaged. After a short bath in the lake approx. 15 h a light western brezze came up so we could enjoy a short sailing trip on the lake.

Trip to Wachau, August 29th til 31st, 2024

August 29th, 2024 we drove to Weissenkirchen in Wachau for Birthday celebration for Anna Santner (80), Hannah, Laura and Dietmar. Some trips and visits at 'Heurigen' locations and a boat trip on Danube river were the highlights of the meeting, also Markus and Anita from Dresden joined us.

With MS Austria at Danube river
Spitz an der Donau
Danube river ship traffic
The monastery Schönbühel on Danube river

Long distance regatta race 2024 at lake Attersee, August 3rd, 2024

August 3rd, 2024 again the Long distance challenge at lake Attersee. Georg invited me to participate at his boat h26 together with Martin from Innsbruck. We start at 7 h with a very light breeze from southwest - 110 boats are registered. After an hour the wind increases slighty and reaches 2 to 3 Bft. We are at Steinbach and the wind decreases and goes to zero. Short before the mark in Burgau we hoist the spinaker and round the mark slowly. Short after the mark a light Southeastern and we hoist the spinaker again. The wind is soft and stays at 1 to 2 Bft but we reach Weyregg with spinaker. Short before the mark in Kammer again zero wind - we recover the spi and 'stay' around the mark in Kammer at 14:40 h. Then on the tack to the finish a light Southeastern - but the wind is very unstable. Around Attersee the wind shifts to WEST. To reach the finish line was really advantourous with gusts from different directions. We can overtake a h26 boat in front of us close to the line and end the race after 9 hours and 8 minutes. 101 boats were classified.

More pictures here

Sailing on lake Attersee, July 15th, 2024

The changing and hot weather continues - but we found an opportunity for sailing on July 15th, 2024 on lake Attersee. The wind was light and stable but shifty from North-East. First we sailed to Kammer and then with the genaker to the South until Nussdorf and then on to the camping at Dexelbach near Parschallen. The return tack was not easy because of the wind shifts but finally we returned at 5 pm, covered the sails and jumped in the lake for bathing. Temperature of water 25 degrees Celsius. Finally we finished the day together with Elfi and Sepp at the Avocado pizzeria in Weyregg.

With Genaker - Kurt on the helm - In Dexelbach

The wind diagramme - The Route on July 15th, 2024 - Sun set in Weyregg

Meeting in 'Waldviertel', June 22nd / 23rd, 2024

Family meeting of Martha's relatives in 'Waldviertel' June 22nd 2024 at the restaurant Hagmann in St. Leonhard at Horner woods close to Rosenburg. Our daughter Sonja joined us again. Approx. 50 persons participated and a very seldom guest was present: Günther from Canada. A small group did a walking tour in the Horner woods. After stay over night at the inn of Nussbaum in Etzmannsdorf we visited Gars at Kamp river with a famous castle ruin and an antique church from the Roman style, dated from 1100 later restored and extended (Picture at left side). Then we returned to Steyr.

St Leonhard at Horner woods - The Hagmann restaurant
The walking group at Horner woods - Günther from Canada talking with Kurt and Inge
At the Nussbaum inn - View to the castle ruin of Gars
At the viewpoint - Church and castle ruin in Gars

Sailing on lake Attersee, June 17th, 2024

After a bad weather period we went sailing for the first time on June 17th, 2024 on lake Attersee. The wind was slow and not very stable but from North-East. After three hours of sailing we quit.

Martha on the helm at Surprise

Again to the other shore

A thunderstorm or not ?

Long night of research and Development, May 24th, 2024

May 24th, 2024 there was Long night of Research and Development; so I have visited the the model hydraulic Laboratory of Andritz Hydro in Linz.

Many visitors at test rig No. one

Peter G. explains the plant - four interested men

Model runner for Guri Hydraulic power station in Venezuela

Visiting Gugler Water Turbines in Feldkirchen at Danube river, May 2nd, 2024

May 2nd, 2024 together with Edwin and Erich we paid a visit to Gugler Water Turbines company in Feldkirchen at Danube river. We have met the CEO's Alois and Gerhard as well as Joe a former collegue in our company. On the way back we took the ferry boat at Ottensheim to get to the other side of the Danube river again. We had excellent weather.

Erich, Kurt and Joe on the roof terrace --- Erich pays the ferry boat

All on the ferry boat --- Castle and ferry at Ottensheim

ASTRO-Workshop in Weyregg / Attersee, April 27th, 2024

April 27th, 2024 there was a wonderful day and there was ASTRO-Workshop in Weyregg lake Attersee.

Astro-Workshop 2024

Photo of participants

We visit Pusarnitz and 'Danielsberg' mountain February 15th - 18th, 2024

February 15th, 2024 we visit together with our daughter Anita Pusarnitz in Carinthia. After the road through the River Enns valley we arrived safely in Pusarnitz. Next day we visited the 'Danielsberg' mountain nearby Kolbnitz in the Moell river valley and we had excellent weather. The ancient church is dated from 11th century and was even known at the Roman times. The evening closed with a birthday festival with some relatives and friends from the region. Sunday morning February 18th we returned to Steyr.

Grimming mountain in Ennstal - The castle of Trautenfels - Stoderzinken mountain
In Pusarnitz - The pool at Danielsberg - Herkuleshof restaurant
The church at Danielsberg - View to the Northwest - Schoberspitze 2573 m
Malta main station - Anita and Martha on the way back

Golden marriage jubelee of Traude and Georg in Linz at Schlossberg January 28th, 2024

January 28th, 2024 we joined the Golden marriage jubelee of Traude and Georg in Linz at Schlossberg.

Sailing with Helmut October 12th, 2023

October 12th, 2023 we were sailing on Lake Attersee. Together with Helmut - my schoolmate from BRG Steyr - we used the southwestern wind to go to Nussdorf. We turned around at Alexenau and sailed back to the north with Genaker. An excellent sailing day ended at Zenzn Stubn restaurant in Kammer.

With Genaker sail back to the North

Visit to Obertauern and Rossbrand August 25th and 26th, 2023

August 25th, 2023 we visited Obertauern. August 26th, 2023 we made a stop in Radstadt and visited Rossbrand (1,770 m) and enjoyed the wonderful view to Dachstein (2,997 m) and Bischofsmütze (2,458 m).

Martha in Obertauern

Rossbrand peak with cross - View to Dachstein - Bischofsmütze

This year again in Rechnitz in Burgenland from August 11th til 17th, 2023

From August 11th til 17th, 2023 this year again we visited Rechnitz in Burgenland (picture to the left). With our bikes we visited the wineyards and Buschenschanken. The obligate tour to Satzenstein close above of Rechnitz this time we didn't miss. This year we visited the southern regions of Burgenland around Jennersdorf and made a short walk to the 'Three-countries-corner' Slovenia - Hungary - Austria. Martha went swimming in the Rechnitz pond. The weather was sunny and fine, no rain.

The way to Satzenstein - On Satzenstein - View to Geschriebenstein 884 m

On way to 3-countries-corner - At the 3-c-corner - In Badergasse

With Laura in animal park in Haag July 16th, 2023

July 16th, 2023 we have been at the animal park in Haag together with Laura.

Laura and grandma - Laura feeding goats

Visit to Dresden July 7th til 13th, 2023

July 7th til 13th, 2023 we paid a visit to Dresden in Germany. We made a trip to Kamenice gorge upstream the Elbe river in Czechia, to the wonderful old city of Bautzen and we made a rubber dinghi trip along the Elbe river to the ancient city of Dresden. July 13th we returned to Steyr.

In the Kamenice gorge 1 - In the Kamenice gorge 2 - In the Kamenice gorge 3

View to Bautzen - The city hall of Bautzen

Rubber dinghi trip on Elbe river

Strawberry fields in Dietach June 18th, 2023

Today we visited the strawberry fields in Dietach - harvest 13 kg.

Strawberry fields - The harvestors Andreas, Sonja and Martha

Sailing on lake Attersee with 20 knots June 13th, 2023

June 13th, 2023 we were sailing on Lake Attersee. In Nussdorf we joined Helmut and together we returned to Litzlberg with him on bord. It had a good breeze for sailing.

Helmut on the helm - A tack on Backbord - A gust heading for Attersee - Starbord tack to Kammer

60th anniversary of high school leaving examination in Steyr June 9th and 10th, 2023

June 9th, 2023 was the 60 years anniversary of the high school leaving examination in Steyr of the year 1963. After a visit to our school we met for dinner in the restaurant Mader on the city main square. Next day we visited the ancient nail forging in Dambach and finishing dinner at the Weidmann restaurant.

Hiking the 'Hohe Dirn' mountain January 2nd, 2023

We have started the New Year with a hiking tour to the 'Hohe Dirn' mountain in Upper Austria.

See more pictures

Hiking at Wurzeralm October 27th, 2022

October 27th, 2022 we went hiking at Wurzeralm. Anita and Laura were joining. We had excellent weather and after hiking we ent to the coffee shop Illecker in Molln.

The Stubwies peak --- Warscheneck and Dead Man

The Red Wall --- Stubwies peak, view downwards

Surprise out of water October 20th, 2022

October 20th, 2022 we have lifted Surprise boat out of the water. See you next year.

The Surprise on the trailer

Picture of the milky way in the city of Steyr October 16th, 2022

October 16th, 2022 I have tried a photo of the milky way in the city thanks the new camerera NIKON Z6 - Zoom lens 24 mm. You can see the socalled summer triangle Deneb (Swan) - Vega (Lyra) - Altair (Aquila).

Soling Euro championships - we are sailing - August 30th, 2022

August 30th, 2022 the first regatta races of the Soling European championships for sailing took place at SCK on lake Attersee. We were sailing during the first two races and were close to action. Martha preparing coffee on the photo (left). Some photos from races enclosed. We had evening dinner with Elfi and Sepp at the Golf restaurant in Weyregg. - By the way European Champions the boat AUT 7 from Felzmann / Felzmann / Beuerle.

After start tacking to first mark --- On downwind course with spinaker

Evening in Weyregg

Long distance regatta race on lake Attersee Aug 6th, 2022

August 6th, 2022 Georg and myself participated again at the Long distance challenge regatta race on lake Attersee. In the beginning many wind shifts and light winds, lateron after the first mark in Burgau we had a south-western breeze, changing to a north-western wind near Nussdorf coming with gusts of 18 knots near Kammer where the second mark leads our way back to the finish line under spinaker again and rain.

Start of more than 100 ships - With spinaker to the south - Kurt at the helm

Tak near Weyregg - Tak again with 18 knots North-western

Oldtimer Ralley Ennstal-Classic in Steyr July 22nd, 2022

July 22nd, 2022 the Oldtimer Ralley Ennstal-Classic paid a visit to Steyr this year again. Erich and myself we visited the Steyr city main square to see the cars. After a short Stop the ralley comntinued to Ennstal.

First cars arriving - Continuation

Sailing on lake Attersee June 3rd, 2022

June 3rd, 2022 we were sailing on lake Attersee. The North-Eastern wind ('Rosenwind') was constantly blowing with 12 to 14 knots, so we made a good speed. We went up and down the northern part of the lake and approx 4:00 PM the wind softens and we quit sailing.

Half wind to Weyregg

The wind diagram from SCK-point

ISS flies over Steyr May 17th, 2022

May 17th, 2022 at 20:44 PM the ISS flew over Steyr and I could catch a photo of the flyover. The picture consists of two photos with different fly areas both of approx. 25 sec exposure time made by the tamron zoom lens with 18 mm focus length. In the background you can see the first stars coming out of the dawn (Regulus in constellation Lion and Procyon in Small Dog). Left hand side of course an airplane is crossing. Camera mounted on Omegon LX3.

We have splashed the boat Surprise April 8th, 2022

April 7th, 2022 the boat Surprise was splashed to water. The day after I have have made all preparation works; but the backboard window has to be newly tightened and the sails mounted. Enough to do in the future.

Skiing at Hochkar March 25th, 2022

March 25th, 2022 we went for skiing at Hochkar in Lower Austria. The weather was again very fine and enough snow available and good conditions. At 2 pm the condition became too warm and the snow was heavy: so we made a break at 'Latschenhütte' and returned home afterwards. In the evening around 8 pm we observed die ISS flying over Steyr.

The ISS flyover in Steyr

Skiing at Wurzeralm March 11th, 2022

March 11th, 2022 we went skiing at Wurzeralm with excellent weather conditions. After all that SARS Covid-19 limitations it was the first time since long time that we had the chance for skiing. The photo on left side is the view from Frauenkar. After skiing we met with Erich and Margit at the coffe shop Illecker in Molln.

Hannelgraben -- Warscheneck with Frauenkar -- The old aged '(Fr)Auenkarbahn' -- Kurt and Erich at Illecker

Snowwalking in Hinterstoder January 26th, 2022

January 25th, 2022 we were snow walking near the origin of Steyr river in Hinterstoder. The weather was excellent and temperatures comfortable. At the end we paid a visit to coffee shop Illecker in Molln with coffee, torte and Austrian doughnut (Krapfen).

Martha on the way back

Visit to Carinthia October 19th til 24th, 2021

From October 19th, 2021 on we visited Carinthia and - with excellent weather conditions - together with Anita and Laura made short trips to several locations. First hiking on Goldeck mountain. Then we visited Millstatt and the lake and Villach on Drau river. The day after we made a trip to Lienz and visited the city and the castle of Bruck - a museum of the painter Albin Egger-Lienz. Next day we went to Gmuend and Malta and visited the donkey park there and had evening dinner at Hohenburg in Pusarnitz. Sunday we travelled to Klagenfurt - visited Hans and Helga - and then via Triebener Tauern pass back to Steyr.

Pusarnitz - Hohenburg - Millstatt - Lienz - Gmuend - Malta donkey park

End of sailing season at lake Attersee October 13th, 2021

October 13th, 2021 we have lifted the boat 'Surprise' for wintertime.

The boat on the trailer

Once again sailing on lake Attersee October 1st, 2021

October 1st, 2021 we were sailing on lake Attersee the last time; and we had the chance to see the 'European Championships of Under30 Star class'. Weather was very nice but cool, wind approx. 3 Beaufort. And the day ends with Sepp and Elfi on Miglberg mountain for dinner.

The Star class main field in sight of the Luv mark

Sailing on lake Attersee September 4th, 2021

Saturday September 4th, 2021 we were sailing on the lake Attersee, meeting with or friend Hans from Bavaria. He owns two nice little dogs who joined us on board.

The 'TWO'

Trip to Waldviertel July 5th til 10th, 2021

July 5th til 10th, 2021 we made a trip to Waldviertel to visit our relatives. WE took our bikes with us to make short trips to the sorrounding areas. Two times we visited Czechia - first Hurky former 'Adamsfreiheit', and second the area of Neubistritz (Nova Bystrica) and the region arround. THursday July 8th there was a big meeting in Grametten. We stayed at 'Gasthof Malzer' in Hirschenschlag. The photo left shows a great blooming poppy field nearby Ottenschlag. Saturday morning we returned to Steyr.

Gasthof Malzer - Bike tour near Reingers - Church in Klaster - Artifical pond in Litschau - Ruined colony in Reichers - Hotel Perslak - Impressive sunset

Boat lift out of water, ready for winter October 21st, 2020

October 21st, 2020 we have lifted the 'Surprise' out of the water ready for winter storage.

Ready to lift und On the hook

Sailing - Euro 2020 - lake Attersee October 1st, 2020

October 1st, 2020 we were sailing on lake Attersee and watched the Euro2020 of the 49er, 49erFX and Nacra 17 class. enclosed som pictures of the 49erFX and Nacra 17 races we were watching.

Euro 2020

One week in Dresden August 27th til September 3rd, 2020

August 27th, 2020 we drove to Dresden in Saxonia (map). We have visited Saxonian Switzerland (castle of Königstein) and returned by steam vessel back to Dresden. We also visited the castle in Pillnitz, the Moritzburg castle, the city of Meissen with cathedral and Albrechtsburg as well as Schloss Wackerbarth in Radebeul. September 3rd, 2020 we returned to Steyr.
(The photo on the left shows Schloss Wackerbarth in Radebeul).

Other pictures from castle of Königstein , the steam boat drive on Elbe river, castle of Pillnitz , Moritzburg castle and from the cities of Meissen and Radebeul are here (sorry for the German language description).

Sailing on lake Attersee with heavy breeze up to 5 Bft July 13th, 2020

Monday July 13th, 2020 we were sailing on lake Attersee. The North-Eastern gave us heavy breezes with gusts up to 5 Bft windforce. We decided to use the small mainsail only. It was a brilliant day.

Kurt and Martha

Sailing on lake Attersee July 4th, 2020

On July 4th, 2020 we spent a day for sailing on lake Attersee. Unfortunately the wind was not very stable always changing in direction and intensity. At the end we had all directions including west and zero. So Martha decided to swim - water temperature 22 degrees Celsius ! At the end we drove up the mountain to 'Migelberg' together with our friends Elfi and Sepp had a nice evening at 'Mostbauern'.

Surprise in der Flaute und S 74 Tilly XVII segelt vorbei.

Surprise in water May 26th, 2020

Tuesday Mai 26th, 2020 we splashed the boat Surprise in water. Because of the Corona virus a little bit later than normal, but we hope for a good sailing season.

New propeller for Motor and Surprise is lifted on the crane

Skiing with Erich at Wurzeralm February 27th, 2020

February 27th, 20202 Erich and I drove to Wurzeralm for skiing. Excellent weather and best snow- and slope conditions. We started already in Spital am Phyrn at the 'Strudel'-bakery.

At the 'Strudel'-bakery and Panoramaphoto seen from Frauenkar

Forest hiking in Dambachtal February 22nd, 2020

February 22nd, 2020 we went hiking in the forest in Dambachtal. Mild temperatures and rainfree weather and on top a 'Wiener Schnitzel' at 'Gasthof Weidmann'.

Martha on the way up - map of our walking and Martha in the woods

the road to car and evening dawn

Skiing at Wurzeralm February 13th, 2020

February 13th, 2020 we were skiing at Wurzeralm. Really good weather and mild temperatures, but excellent snow and slope conditions. The final visit to the cafeshop 'Illecker' in Molln is now according to our traditions.

Martha downhill and at cafe Illeker

Walking to Cafe 'Drahtzug' February 9th, 2020

It was a Sunday February 9th, 2020 and it was a sunny, springlike day in Steyr. At 9 h 30 we started walking to Cafe 'Drahtzug' in Unterhimmel near Steyr. Poldi joined the team. Here in an old industrial building from the year 1874 we had a brunch in the coffee shop and later on we walked to Christkindl to 'Christkindlhof' were we had coffee. At 15 h 30 after 9 km walk we were home again.

On the way - The old waterwheel - Cafe Drahtzug inside