Kurt WOLFARTSBERGER has studied at the Technical University of Vienna mechanical engineering (Dipl.-Ing.) and since Highschool (Bundesrealgymnasium in Steyr) time his hobby is astronomy. His parents have always supported him very much so far and bought a small refractor telescope from KOSMOS 50/500 mm for me, which I often used during night time to observe some moons of planet Jupiter. I also have found a hobby astronomer collegue in Steyr, who has built his own oberservatory in the garden: Wilhelm AURACHER. And he was very professionel in grinding and polishing of lenses and mirrors for selfmade telescopes. I purchased from him my first Newton mirror telescope 100/1000 mm. One of his selfmade telescopes today is still running at the Gahberg oberservatory in Weyregg of 'Sternwarte des Astronomischen Arbeitskreises Salzkammergut', were I became a member of since my retirement. I have also close contact to Josef HAGER, who is very active at the Gahberg observatory. I had the chance to use one of his telescopes a Newton N200 - 800 mm F4, which I have used whenever the weather had clear sky for taking photos in the past. Today I use the two refractor telescopes APO 80 - 480 mm and APO 115 - 805 mm mounted on the iOptron GEM28EC together with the camera NIKON Z6 suitable for shots up to 2 minutes individual exposure times.

LINK zu: The moon and the sun

LINK zu: My equipment

ASTRO News (english)

Comet C/2023 A3 Tsu Chin Shan (ATLAS) and other targets December 27th and 28th, 2024
December 27th and 28th, 2024 there were excellent weather conditions and I have used on both days as well as the refractor telescope APO 80 as well as the larger APO 115. The not visable moon rising after midnight has supported taking good photos a lot. Together with the flattener TSFlat2 and the new fog and mistfilter I was able to realize exposure times of more than 2 minutes - the result can be seen. For the Andromeda galaxy M 31 I could add another 20 new pictures, giving a satisfying result ofthe new picture after stacking. Even the large APO 115 used at the second day has improved the quality of the pictures of the galaxy M 33 (triangulum) a lot. - December 29th, 2024 I have added some other shots to increase the number of pictures for stacking. I could also use some so called combi-pictures using shots from December 27th and 29th for common stacking.

Photos December 27th and 29th, 2024 with APO 80 - 480 mm
Photos December 28th, 2024 with APO 115 - 805 mm

M 31, M 15 and comet C/2023 A3 Tsu Chin Shan (ATLAS) December 25th, 2024

Christmas day December 25th, 2024 was a good opportunity, the moon far away rising 2 am in the morning and only a few cirrus clouds which disappear from time to time. I used the refractor APO115 - 805 mm and used the fog filter as well. First some photos of comet C/2023-A3 TCS (ATLAS) - exposure times approx. 65 sec were possible. The comet is in the constellation Eagle (Aquila) located a little down of main star Altair and the distance to earth is already approx. 390 mio km - mag 10.7 only. After the comet was too low, I have targeted the globular star cluster M 15 in constellation Pegasus - one of the best clusters in the northern sky - mag 6.2 - home of more 100,000 single stars. I could catch approx 40 shots with exposure times of 30 sec. The shorter exposure times were useful to get the cluster not too intensive after stacking. In the meantime the Andromeda galaxy M 31 had travelled to height close to zenith - good seeing. I have changed the telecope to refractor APO80 - 480 mm because of shorter focus length. Good to see also the two small company - galaxies M 32 and M 110. After some shots unfortunately fog came up from the south - so I could make only some shots. Exposure times of 120 sec were necessary. At 10 pm finished, half an hour later mist and fog. And the temperature falling to zero.

The comet C/2023-A3 December 25th, 2024 with APO115 mag 10.7
The globular star cluster M 15 in Pegasus with APO115 mag 6.2

Once again comet C/2023 A3 Tsu Chin Shan (ATLAS) November 25th and 30th, 2024

The comet C2023-A3 Tsu Chin Shan (ATLAS) now has a distance to earth of approx. 270 mio km and has left the inner solar system (beyond the track of planet Mars). The apparent magnitude is 8.9 and I have used the APO115 - 805 mm telescope together with camera NIKON Z6 with TSFLAT2 flattener and the new Omegon UHC broadband filter. The seeing was good however in the region to the horizon a lot of dust and fog in the athmosphere. As the comet stands in a height of 30 degrees approx. (decreasing) not very good conditions for catching photos. Nevertheless I could reach 60 to 80 seconds exposure times for the shots. The photo on the left hand side was stacked and combines pictures around 17:45 h MET and shows a approx. 0.5 degrees long tail which shows a cone form rather large. The photo is a crop of 3200 x 2600 px. - November 30th, 2024 was clear sky, and the comet has 292 mio km distance from earth and the mag is 9.2 - he has travelled to a very star rich region in the constellation of Eagle (Aquila), were the milky way shows a lot of stars. Photo with APO80-480 mm and 70 to 90 seconds exposure times.

The comet November 30th, 2024 with APO80-480 mm mag 9.2

Comet C/2023 A3 Tsu Chin Shan (ATLAS) October 30th, November 1st and 3rd, 2024

The distance to earth of comet C2023-A3 Tsu Chin Shan (ATLAS) is now approx. 140 mio km and he says 'Good bye' to the inner solar system now. The apparent magnitude is reduced now to mag 5.9 to 6.0 and I used the refractor telescope APO80 - 480 mm with camera NIKON Z6 with TSFLAT2 flattener. The seeing was the best from the last days - classification good. I could catch 20 shots with exposure times of 30 seconds each (time 18:24 until 18:36 MET). The picture is cropped one third and stacked as normal. Even in the city the comets tail shows a length of two degrees approximately. - November 1st, 2024 I have used the refractor telescope APO115 - 805 mm, the comets distance to earth is increased to 150 mio km and the mag is 6.2.

The comet Novemver 1st, 2024 with APO115 mag 6.2 --- ... and November 3rd, 2024 with APO80 mag 6.6

Comet C/2023 A3 Tsu Chin Shan (ATLAS) October 16th, 17th, 20th, 21st and 28th, 2024

October 16th, 2024 good weather for observation of the 'comet of the year'. The apparent magnitude is still around mag 3.0 and I have used the tripod with LX3 mount together with the camera NIKON Z6 with 24 - 70 mm zoom lens. Unfortunatelly in the west some cirrostratus clouds have hindered the view to the target. But 19:15 MEST a window opened so I could catch some photos of the comet - exposure times of 8 seconds. October 17th the seeing was much better you can see how long the comets tail is. Mag was reduced slightely to 3.2, distance to earth is approx. 80 mio km - exposure times also with APO80 were 10 seconds. -- October 28th, 2024 (photo with APO80 - 480 mm) the distance to earth is already increased to 130 mio km and mag reduced to 5.6, exposure times 30 seconds.

The comet October 17th, 2024 with 70 mm zoom lens mag 3.2 -- The comet October 17th, 2024 with APO80 - 480 mm
The comet October 20th, 2024 with 70 mm zoom lens mag 3.9 -- ..... and October 21th, 2024 mag 4.0
The comet October 28th, 2024 with APO80 - 480 mm mag 5.6

Comet C/13P Olbers and M 97 / M 108 July 12th, 2024

July 12th, 2024 in between two thunderstorms a window opened with clear skies for my shots. Equipment used: APO80 - 480 mm with flattener TSFLAT2, iOptron mount GEM28EC special located in the garden to find a good window to the west in between cherry tree and other trees near the horizon. Ten shots rather quickly with 30 sec exposure times , a pitty to delete 3 of them because of sat-tracks in it. Next target M 97 with M 108 (Owl nebula and surfboard galaxy), again 13 quick shots with 60 sec - because the lightening of storms already begins. Period.

M 97 (Owl nebula) and M 108 (Surfboard galaxy)

Testrun with iOptron mount GEM28EC June 28th, 2024

June 28th, 2024 there was good weather but first bad seeing because of foggy clouds but improving. I have used the APO80 - 480 mm refractor telescope on the iOptron mount GEM28EC (finally with the optical pole finder Accualign) and with camera NIKON Z6 and 2" flattener FLAT2. I tried to use exposure times of not less than 60 sec. There is only a short time window, because the moon rises at 1 o'clock. My first target was globular star cluster M3 in Canes Venatici - photo at left side. Than the southern region around Antares in constellation Scorpio with M 4 and NGC 6144 two other globular clusters. Because of the low azimuth over horizon I had to shorten the exposure times to 50 sec. The two galaxies M 51 and M 101 were the next targets - the SN in the Pinwheel galaxy is still there but less intensive. Next M 108 with the 'Owl nebula' M 97 and finally Mizar with Alkor in the Big Dipper. All pictures consisting of less number of shots and stacked with Sequator. The mount shows a good performance and is easy to use. The same test run is planned next time with APO115.

Globular star cluster M 4 with Antares - Spiral galaxy M 51 (Whirlpool) - Spiral galaxy M 101 (Pin wheel)
Galaxy M 108 (Surfboard) and M 97 (Owl nebela) - Mizar in the Big Dipper - Mizar is a double star

Again comet C/13P Olbers June 16th, 2024

June 16th, 2024 good weather, medium seeing, again fogy clouds hanging around everywhere. I have used the refractor APO80 - 480 mm on the EQM35 Pro mount with camera NIKON Z6 and 2" flattener TSFLAT2. The comet is very low - approx. below 15 degrees above horizon and the dawn is still not ending. The leaves from the cherry tree are coming into picture although I have placed the mount in the garden for best sight on the comet. Only 30s shots are possible, because of dawn and moon light coming up. The moon avoids a good photo of the other comet A3.

Single photo of C/2023 A3 (ATLAS)

Sun spot photo dated May 18th, and comet C/2023 A3 dated 29th, 2024

May 18th, 2024 good weather already during daytime - so I decided to take photo of the sun spots. I have used the refractor APO80 - 480 mm on the mount EQM35 Pro with camera NIKON Z6 and 2" Flattener TSFLAT2. As comparison the picture from NASA SDO (NASA copyright). The last picture shows comet C/2023 A3 from May 14th taken by RCC 203 - 1624 mm.

Picture from SDO (copyright NASA)

Comet C/2023 A3 dated May 14th, 2024 taken by RCC 203 - 1624 mm

Comet C/2023 A3 dated May 29th, 2024 with refractor APO 80 - 480 mm

Photo of moon, Leo Triplet and comet C/2023 A3 May 12th, 2024

May 12th, 2024 again good weather and I have used the refractor telescope APO 115 - 805 mm together with the mount EQM35 Pro and camera NIKON Z6 with 2" flattener TSFLAT2. After the moon - 22% waxing (left side) - I have tried to find the comet C/13P Olbers, but the dawn was so bright to get a good photo before the comet sets. Next target the Leo-Triplet with galaxies M 66, M 65 and NGC 3628. I could get approx. 30 shots with exposure times of 60 to 80 sec. At the end of session comet C/2023 A3 Tsu Chin Shan (ATLAS) in the constellation Virgin - it developes quite well and has an apparent mag of 10.1 this time.

Leo-Triplet in constellation Leo

Comet C/2023 A3 in Virgin --- Detail of comet C/2023 A3

Some galaxies and star clusters May 4th, 2024

May 4th, 2024 again good weather - so I have used the new APO80 - 480 mm together with EQM 35 Pro mount and camera NIKON Z6 with 2" flattener TSFLAT2 as usual. First I tried to find the comet C/13P but it was not possible because of heavy clouds in the west. Then I focussed on the star clusters M 38 and M 36, but as dawn was not finished yet only short exposure times of 30s were possible. I changed to more dark regions to the galaxies in constellation Lion: first the two M 95 / M 96 with the trio around M 105 and then the famous Triplet with M 66, M 65 and NGC 3628. The galaxy M 100 with two small companions you can see at the picture on the left side - a small detail. She is located in the constellation of Coma Berenices and wonderful picturesque face-on from above. At the end of the session the star cluster M 67 in constellation of Cancer, this time with the short focus length. The last shots were possible with exposure times of 60 to 90 seconds, all photos are stacked.

The clusters M 36 and M 38 / NGC 1907 in Auriga --- The galaxies M 95, 96 and 105 in Leo

The Leo-Triplet M 66, 65 and NGC 3628 --- The star cluster M 67 in Cancer

Again the comet C/13P Olbers May 2nd, 2024

May 2nd, 2024 was a clear sky and good seeing. I have used the RCC 203-1624 mm on mount EQM 35 Pro together with camera NIKON Z6 with 2" Flattener TSRCFLAT2. My plan was to catch the comet C/2023 A3 Tsu Chin Shan again, bt that didn't really happen. The comet C/13P Olbers in constellation Taurus was a good target (mag 8.9)- no clouds in the western region. I took some good photos with exposure times of 60 sec approximately because of dawn. As the comet set beyond horizon large clouds apperared suddenly - rainy weather forcast. So I took some quick shots of the oper star clusters M 37 in Auriga and M 67 in Cancer and than finish.

The open star cluster M 37 in Auriga --- The open star cluster M 67 in Cancer

Comet C/2023 A3 Tsu-Chin-Shan (ATLAS) April 29th, 2024

April 29th, 2024 again was clear sky, but sand from Sahara-desert made a bad seeing. I used the refractor telescope APO 115-805 mm mounted on EQM 35 Pro and the camera NIKON Z6 with 2" flattener FLAT2. The comet C/2023 A3 is located in the constellation of Virgin and the apparent mag is 10.1 - the distance to earth is 273 mio km, no green come visible. The open star clusters M 35 - distance to earth 2.800 light years (with companion NGC 2158 - distance more than 11.000 light years) in the constellation of Gemini were also targets. Generally exposure times of 60 s were possible, for the comet I have tried some shots with up to 90 s.

The open star clusters M 35 / NGC 2158 in Gemini --- The open star clusters M 35 / NGC 2158 in Gemini with anotation

Comet C13P Olbers April 27th, 2024

April 27th, 2024 clear sky, but in the dawn some cirrus clouds. After the long period of bad and cold weather I was keen to test the new refractor APO 80-480 mm with Flattener TSFLAT2. The camera was NIKON Z6 and the mount Skywatcher EQM 35 Pro, asm the new GEM 28 EC not available until now. The comet Olbers currentlty has a distance to earth of 338 mio km and has reached the Perihelium (closest distance to the sun) of 225 mio km. The comet has an apperent magnitude of 9.4 to 9.6 mag a little less than predicted. Until July 2024 he should increase at little more. Taking a photo was not easy because of the dawn, and the distance to the horizon was rather low - ( more than 30s exposure times not possible ). I changhed the target to the two open star clusters M 67 in constellation Cancer (distance to earth approx. 3.000 light years) and M 35 - distance 2.800 light years (with cluster companion NGC 2158 - but distance more than 11.000 light years) in constellation of Gemini. Also well known Leo Triplet - distance approx 35 mio light years (M 66 - M 65 - NGC 2638) in constellation Leo was the last target. The photos are enclosed below. As these target were located higher in the the sky and close to zenith longer expose times up to 90 sec could be used.

Open cluster M 67 in Cancer --- Star clusters M 35 and NGC 2158 in Gemini

Leo Triplet M 66, M65 and NGC 3628 in Leo

The comet C12P March 25th, 2024

March 25th, 2024 the sky was nearly clear, but small foggy clouds all over the sky. The comet is now also in the city good visible as the apparent magnitude is between mag 4.8 and 5.3 depanding on the source, but I would guess around mag 4. In use the refractor telescope APO115-805 mm with camera NIKON Z6 with Flattener TSFLAT2. The comet C12P/Pons-Brooks is now in the constellation of Aries close to the main star in triangle Al Tri. Exposure times from 25 to 30 s were possible, because location is rather low (approx. 20 degrees). The comet can be seen with the naked eye or a small binocular.

ASTRO-photo session February 25th and March 2nd, 2024

February 25th and March 2nd, 2024 the new Flattener / Reducer (80%) was tested by taking trial photos. First the comet C12P/Pons-Brooks, then the great Orion nebula M 42 and the region of the Horse Head nebula nearby Zeta Ori. Following the double star cluster h-chi in constellation of Perseus (NGC 884 and NGC 869) - as well as the star clusters in constellation of Auriga, M 38, M 36 and M 37. The comet C12P now is located in the constellation of Andromeda - but even very low height so the seeing becomes rather bad - March 2nd single shot exposure times of around 60s were possible, on Feb 25th even less. The star clusters higher in the sky in Auriga could be shot with around 90s exposure times. The picture in the left shows the star cluster of Messier M 35 with his small brother cluster NGC 2158 - both located in the constellation of Gemini.

Comet C12P Feb 25th mag 7.6 - Same comet C12P March 2nd 2024 mag 6 to 7
Great Orion nebela M 42 Feb 25th - Orion nebela M 42 March 2nd, 2024
The region around star Zeta Ori Feb 25th - ..... and same March 2nd, 2024
The double star cluster h-chi in Perseus Feb 25th - ..... and same March 2nd, 2024
The star clusters in constellation Auriga M 38 and NGC 1907 , M 36 and M 37 as well as M 35 and NGC 2158 (left photo).

Comet C12P, h-chi in Perseus, M 42, M 45, M 52 and Zeta Ori February 5th, 2024

February 5th, 2024 I have made some Astrophotos again. First of all the comet C12P/Pons Brooks, but the seeing was very bad because of cirrostrati clouds, and lateron the location of the comet was too low. Only photos with exposure times less than 50s were possible. At that time I also took the pictures of the open star cluster M 52 and the double star clusters h-chi in constellation Perseus - again only exposure times of 30 s. Two hours later the seeing improved a lot so the photos from Zeta Ori and the horse head nebula IC 434 and NGC 2023 as well as the Plejades M 45 and the great Orion nebula M 42 allowed exposure times of up to 140s). In use again the refractor telescope APO115-805 mm with camera NIKON Z6 including flattener TSFLAT25del as well as the mount SW EQM35 Pro. The comet C12P/Pons-Brooks is still located in the constellation of Swan close to star 79 Cyg and has mag 9.0 only - again too low for a photo taken inside a city with short exposuretimes only.

The open star cluster M 52 with nebela NGC 7635 - Double star cluster h-chi in Perseus NGC 884 and 869

Zeta Ori with horse head nebula IC 434 and NGC 2024 - The Plejades M 45 with blue colored nebulas around the stars

The graet Orion nebula M 42 and neighbour M 43 - Bad seeing at the beginning

The two comets C12P/Pons-Brooks and C144P/Kushida January 29th, 2024

January 29th, 2024 there was clear sky. In use the refractor telescope APO115-805 mm with camera NIKON Z6 incl. flattener TSFLAT25del. The comet C12P/Pons-Brooks in constellation Swan has an apparent mag of 9.5 - the tail is only rudimentally visible directing to 2 o'clock direction. Comet C144P/Kushida in constellation Taurus has significantly less apparent magnitude with approx. mag 11.3. Exposure times from 1 and 2 minutes were neccessary. The Plejades M 45 (Seven Sisters) show with exposure time of 130s already the blue nebulas around the stars. Finally a picture of the large moons of planet Jupiter dated 29. 1. 2024.

Comet C144P/Kushida 27. 1. 2024 at 20:00 h MET

Seven Sisters M 45 - The large moon of planet Jupiter 29. 1. 2024 at approx. 19:45 MET

The moon close to Plejades January 20th, 2024

January 20th, 2024 at 8 pm the moon stands close to the Plejades (seven sisters). I have used my camera NIKON Z6 with the zoom lens 70 mm. The problem is the different Light intensity of the two targets moon and star cluster: therefore I have used two different photos with different exposure times, from moon (1/1000 s) and Plejades M45 (5 s) M45 photo one day later without the moon and combined the photos (see the simulation).

Simulation of moon and M45 at 8 pm MET

Comet C12P/Pons-Brooks December 3rd, 18th and 30th, 2023

December 3rd, 2023 was a clear and ice cold night - minus 11 degrees Celsius and only partly clear sky. I have used the APO115-805 mm on the mount EQM35 Pro and camera NIKON Z6 with flattener TSFLAT25del. The comet C12P/Pons-Brooks is now in the constellation Lyra, below the main star Vega and is a periodic comet of our solar system with approx. 71 years orbital circulation time. The distance to earth is now approx. 385 mio km and his closest position to earth and sun (Perigeum and Perihelion) will be in April 2024. Just now the apparent magnitude is 10 mag, only pictures with exposure times of 30s were possible because of bad seeing conditions. For April 2024 the forcast is mag 4-5 and it will come 0.78 AU (117 mio km) close to the sun.

C12P/Pons-Brooks December 18th, 2023 at 16:44 h UT

C12P/Pons-Brooks dated 30.12.2023 at 16:50 h UT

Comet C2023 H2 Lemmon November 6th and 8th, 2023

November 6th, 2023 evening was a clear sky and therefore I started to take photos of comet 2023 H2 Lemmon. Equipment was the APO115-805 mm on the mount EQM35 Pro and camera NIKON Z6. The comet was moving rather quickly so I took photos at 6:31 PM (left) and 7:44 PM. The third photo shows the comparison and the movement of the comet in approx 1 h and 15 minutes. All single frames shot with an exposure time of approx 1 minute and stacked lateron. Camera NIKON Z6 in main focus together with flattener TSFLAT25del. November 8th, 2023 I have used the RCC telescope 203-1080 mm.

H2 Lemmon at 7:44 PM - The comparison shows the track of the comet

Comet H2 Lemmon Nov 8th, 2023 at 6:08 PM

M 17 Omega-nebula, M 16 Eagle-nebula and M 22, September 9th and 10th, 2023

September 9th and 10th, 2023 the seeing was medium range only, because some cirrus clouds were hanging around the sky. Nevertheless I have aligned my APO115-805 mm refractor telescope. The Omega nebula M 17 was the first target, but only frames with less than 50 - 60 s were possible. The globular star cluster M 22 and the galactic star field M 24 in constellation Sagittarius were the next targets and next day M 16 the Eagle nebula. All single frames with less than 1 minute exposure time were stacked. Camera NIKON Z6 in main focus with flattener TSFLAT25del.

M 16 Eagle nebula - Globular star cluster M 22 - The galactic star field M 24

Again comet C2023E1-ATLAS

August 19th and 20th, 2023 there was clear sky and a good opportunity to take a photo of the comet C2023E1-ATLAS in the constellation swan (Cygnus) (photo left hand side from August 20th, 2023). The apparent magnitude was between mag 11.8 to 11.9 und the comet was moving fast. I again used the refractor telescope APO 115 - 805 mm with flattener TSFLAT25del. Other photos were shot from the two globular star clusters in constellation Hercules M 13 and M 92 - the other galaxies nearby M 92 are of mag 14th class, M 27 (Dumbbell nebula - constellation Vulpecula) and the globular cluster M 3 in Canes Venatici. The open star cluster IC 4665 in constellation of Ophiuchus and the star cluster and nebula C 20 in swan were the next targets. Finally again a shot of M 8 in constellation Sagittarius, the Laguna nebula. All single shots with approx. one minute exposure time were stacked to combined photos. Camera NIKON Z6 in main focus.

The GSC M 13 in Hercules - M 92 without - M 92 with descriptions - M 27 'Dumbbell nebula'

The GSC M 3 in Canes Venatici - The open cluster IC 4665 - Sternhaufen und Nebel C 20 im Schwan

Comet C2023E1 (ATLAS) August 19th - Laguna nebula M 8 also dated 19th

ASTRO-photos dated August 10th and 11th, 2023

August 10th, 2023 I have used my RCC telescope with Reducer (1080 mm focus length) to look for the comet C2023E1 (ATLAS). The comet has changed to the constellation of Cepheus and now has an apperent magnitude of mag 11. I took photos also from M 51 (Whirlpool galaxy), the globular star cluster M 22 and the open star cluster M 11, both located in the constellation of Sagittarius. The day after the weather again was clear, but from time to time some small cirrostratus clouds were in the sky. I used this time the refractor telescope APO 115 - 805 mm and took the following photos: again comet C2023E1 (ATLAS) - again mag 11, but this time located close to the open cluster M 39 in constellation of Cygnus (swan), M 8 and M 20 - Laguna nebula and Trifid nebula in constellation of Sagittarius and i have checked the Supernova SN2023ixf in the galaxy M 101 - pinwheel galaxy (photo left side) - it seems to be a little less intensive than in the beginning in my 2023. All photos using the mount SW EQM35 Pro with camera NIKON Z6. Exposure times between 1 to 2 minutes werepossible. The results are stacked.

The comet C2023E1 (ATLAS) - The Whirlpool galaxy M 51 - The globular cluster M 22 in Sagittarius

The comet C2023E1 (ATLAS) close to M 39 in Swan - The Laguna nebula M 8 - The Trifid nebula M 20 - The open star cluster M 11

The comet C2023E1-ATLAS, July 19th, 2023

July 19th, 2023 again the comet C2023E1-ATLAS in the constellation dragon was target for some photos. This time the apparent magnitude was given to mag 8.7 and again the refractor Telescope APO 115-805 mm with TSFLAT25del was used. 18 single photos with a total exposure time of 1950 s (33 minutes) were stacked together. Camera NIKON Z6 in main focus.

The Laguna nebula M 8, July 14th, 2023

July 14th, 2023 I have taken photos of the Laguna nebula M 8 in the constellation of Sagittarius on e of the star richest regions of our Milky Way. Close next to it the so called Trifid nebula M 20 in red and blue. Both nebulas are accompnied of star clusters. Next I have checked the Supernova SN2023ixf in the pinwheel galxy M 101 - can be seen very good still. The Globular star cluster M 3 in Canes Venatici at the end. I used the nwe refractor telescope APO 115-805 mm with the flattener TSFLAT25del. The single photos have an exposure time of 90 to 100 sec each an d are stacked together. Mounting SW EQM35 Pro and camera NIKON Z6 in main focus. All pictures reduced to 2000 pixel.

The Trifid nebula M 20 and open star cluster M 21

The galaxy M 101 with Supernova SN2023ixf

The globular star cluster M 3 in Canes Venatici

The comet C2023E1-ATLAS, June 25th, 2023

June 25th, 2023 I have made a photo of the new comet C2023E1-ATLAS in the constellation Ursa Minor again. The apparent magnitude today was given as mag 10.0 and I used again the new telescope APO 115-805 mm with flattener TSFLAT2. Twelve single photo shots with a total exposure time of 1020 sec (17 minutes) were stacked together. The moon this time showed a period of 45% waxing. After that I took photos of the galaxies M81 / M82 and M 108 with planetary nebula M 97 - the Owl nebula, as well as the globular star cluster M 4 in the constellation Scorpius. A comparison with the picture of yesterday shows the track of the comet from 24th until 25th of June 2023. Again I used my mount SW EQM35 Pro and the camera NIKON Z6 in main focus.

The galaxies M 81 and M 82 - The galaxy M 108 and M 97 Owl nebula - Antares and the globular cluster M 4 in Scorpius

The track of the comet from June 24th until 25th, 2023 - Moon 45% waxing June 25th, 2023

The galaxy M 51 Whirlpool - The galaxy M 51 including description

New comet C2023E1-ATLAS, June 24th, 2023

June 24th, 2023 I catch the new comet C2023E1-ATLAS in the constellation of Ursa Minor. It has an apperent magnitude of mag 10.2 and I have used the new telescope APO 115-805 mm as first light. 21 single exposures with an exposure time of approximately of one min I have stacked together. The moon as a little game spoiler with 35% waxing was there. I include a photo of the moon. As always I have used my mount SW EQM35 Pro as well as camera NIKON Z6.

Moon waxing 35%

Photos taken from Galaxies M 51, M 101, M 108 + Owl nebela M 97 and GC M 4, June 12th / 13th, 2023

June 12th/13th 2023 the seeing was very good and no moon in the sky. Therefore I have used my Skywatcher APO ED80-600 mm with Flattener TSFLAT2 mounted on EQM35Pro and camera NIKON Z6. First target was M 51 the Whirlpool galaxy (photo on the left). Then I have checked the supernova ixf in the pinwheel galaxy M 101 - it is still good visible. Next to M 108, the surfboard galaxy and left from the galaxy the owl nebula M 97 in blue. Then to the south to the constellation scorpius close the the main star Antares we can see the globular cstar cluster M 4. It is really amazing how many details you can see with the small 80 mm refractor without moonlight and good seeing. This time exposure times of 90 s were possible. All photos are stacked of course. - Next day photo of the planet Venus taken by the Maksutov M100/1000 mm telescope - sun shine from the side, so you can see a clear sickle form of the planet.

M 101 and SN2023ixf - M 108 and M 97 Owl nebela - M 51 with RCC June 18th photo

Antares and globular cluster M 4 - Planet Venus with M100/1000 mm

Supernova in galaxy M 101 photo captered, May 27th, 2023

May 19th, 2023 in the galaxy Messier 101 - Pinwheel galaxy - in the constellation Ursa Major a supernova was discovered by a Japanese amateur astronomer. The magnitude of the supernova is 10.8 the galaxy has mag 7.9 and is seen from the top (90 degrees) so the spiral arms can be seen perfectly. The size is approx. double as our milky way galaxy and the distance to earth is 21 mio lightyears. I used the Newton telescope N200-800 mm owned by Sepp Hager together with the Nikon Z6 camera and shot 12 single photos with exposure times from 30 to 60 sec. A game spoiler was the moon with 52% waxing and rather close to the location of M 101. So it was not easy to take the photos.

The moon 52% waxing

Moon with light from earth and galaxies in constellation Lion from May 21st, 2023

May 21st, 2023 finally it made it - after a long period of rainy and bad weather conditions a clear night has come. I used my RCC with reducer for a focal length of 1080 mm mounted on EQM35Pro with Nikon Z6 camera - after alignment and checking the polar adjustment. First the moon - 5% waxing with excellent reflction light from the earth - picture to the left. Then constellation Lion with a group of approx. 24 galaxies all having a distance from earth of approx. 35 to 45 mio Lightyears. I took a photo of the so called Lion triplet including the galaxies M65, M66 and NGC3628, next M105 with NGC3371 and NGC3373 and M96 and M95. At end of session the two open star clusters M44 (distance approx. 600 lightyears) and M67 (distance approx. 2700 lightyears) in the constellation Cancer. Both open star clusters include approx. 500 indiviual stars. All pictures stacked from single shots of 30s exposure times.

Leo triplet with M65, M66 and NGC3628 - M 105 with NGC3371 and NGC3373 - M95 and M96

The two open star clusters M44 and M67 in constellation Cancer

Conjunction of planets Jupiter and Venus March 1st, 2023

March 1st, 2023 there was a conjunction of the planets Jupiter and Venus, visual distance 0.6 degrees only. Planet Venus overtakes planet Jupiter on the right side (see also the picture below showing the planets location February 22nd, March 1st, 2nd and 4th, 2023). The picture on the left was made with the refractor teleskope ED80-600 mm, where you can see the four large moons of Jupiter (lined up from top to down: Callisto, Ganymed, Io, Jupiter and Europa). The planet Venus on the right side is much brighter than the planet Jupiter. Both cameras NIKON Z6 with 70 mm zoom lens and SONY alpha58 with tamron zoom 18 - 250 mm as well as the mounts SW EQM35 PRO and Omegon LX3 were used.

Venus and Jupiter beginning of March 2023

Sun spots dated February 28th, 2023

February 28th, 2023 I have shot photos of the sun spots with the refractor telescope ED80-600 mm using a special sun filter using the camera NIKON Z6 and ISO 400. For comparison reasons the NASA SDO picture - copyright NASA is shown below.

NASA SDO 10:53 hrs

Conjunction of planet Jupiter, moon and planet Venus February 22nd, 2023

February 22nd, 2023 approx 18 hrs there was a rare meeting in the sky of two planets and the moon. Unfortunately some misty clouds were hanging around in the sky but you could see planet Jupiter and planet Venus and in between the waxing moon at 7% lumination. I was taking photos with the two cameras NIKON Z6 70 mm lens annd SONY alpha58 with tamron zoom lens 18 - 250 mm in the dawn. The picture of the moon, lit by the earth reflected sun light was taken with 250 mm zoom lens - picture rather unclear because of cirrostratus clouds.

Conjunction Jupiter / moon / Venus --- Moon with earthlight reflection 7% waxing

Orion nebula M 42, Plejades M 45 and triangulum galaxy M 33 February 21st, 2023

February 21st, 2023 there was excellent clear sky conditions - therefore I have used my RCC200 with TS CCD47 Reducer lens (1080 mm focus length) mounted on my EQM35. First a short visit to the comet C/2022E3-ZTF, now located nearby the constellation of Orion the hunter. With a magnitude of 7.1 it has reduced the light intensity again, no wonder his distance to earth now has increased to 0.75 AU approx. 110 mio kms. Next to M 42 the Great Orion nebula, M 45 the Plejades seven sisters with blue nebulas sourrounding and to the triangulum nebula M 33, which is in reality s galaxy like milky way but not easy to catch with the camera. The seeing developes excellent because no moonlight pollution enabling exposure time of one minute and more and this close to the city center.

The Plejades M 45 --- Triangulum spiral galaxy M 33 --- comet C/2022E3-ZTF at 19:44 hrs mag 7.1

JUPITER with camera NIKON Z 6 with RCC 200 - 1080 mm dated February 21st, 2023 18:16 hrs mouseover for description

Comet C/2022E3-ZTF dated February 16th, 2023

February 16th, 2023 it was clear sky but many misty clouds. I wanted to take a picture of the comet before he will disappear to 'Nirvana' and he will return to our Solar system in approx. 50,000 years only. I used my refractor telescope ED80-400 mm with flattener and shot an overlook photo with my camera NIKON Z 6 mount LX 3 and the 70 mm zoom lens (this time with mouseover description). The comet C/2022E3-ZTF today had a manitude of approx. 6.6 mag and remarkable reduced light intensity. He is located on the left side of Aldebaran - the main star in the constellation Taurus same distance as to the star Epsilon Tau but the opposite side. On the left again the photo of the comet this time with an exposure time of 20 s for the single picture because the seeing was rather bad. In sum it gives an eight minutes photo after stacking.

C/2022E3-ZTF with camera NIKON Z 6 with 70 mm zoom lens dated February 16th, 2023 mouseover for description

Again comet C/2022E3-ZTF and M 42 dated February 13th, 2023

February 13th, 2023 there was clear sky again but also misty clouds which disappeared at midnight only. I used the N200-800 mm Newton reflector telescope with corrector lens and with the NIKON Z 6 camera mounted on LX 3 I made the situative photo. The comet C/2022E3-ZTF this time trailed close by the open star cluster NGC 1647 having an apperent magnitude of 6.1. On the left side again the photo of the comet, but this time 15 s exposure time for the single picture only, because of the bad seeing conditions. In sum gave a 300s shot. I made another photo of the great Orion nebula M 42 with the N200 (single shot 25s - in sum 275 s). All pictures reduced to 2500 px for web reasons.

C/2022E3-ZTF camera Z 6 with 70 mm lens February 13th, 2023 - C/2022E3-ZTF camera Z 6 with 70 mm lens February 13th, 2023 with description

M 42 Orion nebula with N200-800 mm dated February 13th, 2023

Again comet C/2022E3-ZTF and M 42 and M 45 February 12th, 2023

February 12th, 2023 surprisingly clear sky in the evening and no moon. A good opportunity for my ED80-600 mm to catch some photos. I also tried the flattener lens from RCC telescope with the refractor with success. First of all the overlook photo with camera Z 6 and 70 mm lens to locate the comet for today. On the left side the photo of the E3-ZTF (mag 5.8) because of good seeing this time with an exposure time of approx. 60 s. I also used the opportunity of good seeing with two more photos of M 42 (Orion nebula - 10 x 30 s) and the open star cluster M 45 of the Plejades (30 x 64 s). The Plejades photo first time shows the blue background nebulas sorrounding the stars. All photos are reduced in size for website reasons to 2000 px.

C/2022E3-ZTF camera Z 6 with 70 mm lens Febr. 12th, 2023 - C/2022E3-ZTF camera Z 6 with 70 mm lens Febr. 12th, 2023 incl. description

M 42 Orion nebula with ED80-600 mm FLAT Febr. 12th, 2023 - M 45 Plejades with ED80-600 mm FLAT Febr. 12th, 2023

Comet C/2022E3-ZTF track alalysis February 10th, 2023

February 10th, 2023 I have mounted the camera NIKON Z6 on my LX3 and shot a photo with the 70 mm lens - the basis for the track analysis of the comet. The past locations are recorded with photos and the future is taken from the map Cartes du Ciel. The comet bypasses the planet Mars on February 11th very close.

The great Orion nebula M 42 February 9th, 2023

February 9th, 2023 i used my Richie Cretien Cassegrain telescope RCC200-1624 mm mounted on the SW EQM35 Pro together with the camera NIKON Z6. In the constellation Orion I took a photo of the great nebula again - so I made a photo two days ago with the Newton N200-800 mm. This time single shots with 30 s were possible because no moon poils the sight. The seeing was good and for comparison reasons the former picture from two days ago is enclosed.

M 42 Orion nebula with N200-800 mm Feb 7th, 2023

Comet C/2022E3-ZTF February 5th, 6th, 7th and 9th, 2023

February 5th, 2023 I have used the refractor telescope ED80-600 mm with SW EQM35 Pro mounting and the camera NIKON Z6. The seeing was very bad, because the full moon and many cloud stripes were around the sky. The photo to the left shows the comet nearby the main star of constellation Auriga - Capella. The apperent mag of the comet is approx. 5.7 mag, and the tail is difuse. Exposure time of a single photo is 10s only because of the bad seeing. February 6th the seeing was much better, only the moon and city light were a killjoy. Exposure time of single photo 15 to 20s. App. magnitude on February 6th was 5.85 mag - the comet enlarges the distance to earth more and more (distance now to earth approx. 50 mio km). February 7th single shots with 25 s were possible and February 9th even 30 s - today I got the best shot of the comet.

C/2022E3 with NIKON Z6 70 mm lens Feb 5th - C/2022E3 with NIKON Z6 70 mm description

Overlook February 6th by NIKON Z6 70 mm - C/2022E3 with N200-800 mm Feb 6th

C/2022E3 with N200-800 mm Febr 7th - C/2022E3 mit dem RCC200-1624 mm am 9. 2.

Andromeda galaxy M 31 - 7. 1. 2023

January 7th, 2023 I have used my refractor-teleskope ED80-400 mm - including focus length reducer - on the SW EQM35 Pro mounting and camera NIKON Z6. The picture shows the Andromeda galaxy Messier 31 - with a distance from earth of 2.5 mio light years. The picture also shows the two small fellow galaxies M 32 (above left to center of M31) and M 110 (below center). The single photo had an exposure time of 25s because of bad seeing conditions (moon and city light), followed by stacking to 5 x 500s. M 31 has an apperent magnitude of 4.4 mag and is the only galaxy you can see with the naked eye, when good seeing conditions are available.

Moon and Jupiter, Dec. 28th, 2022 and Jan. 1st, 2023

December 28th, 2022 I have made a photo of the waxing moon - 35%. Telescope RCC200-1624 mm, camera NIKON Z6. The second photo waxing 75% I have shot on New Years eve with the refractor telescope APO ED80-600 mm again camera NIKON Z6. Photo of planet Jupiter with the four large moons (left Europa - (Jupiter) - right Io - Ganymede and Callisto) - you can see also many backgrounds stars. Exposure time for Jupiter 1.6 s.

Moon waxing 75% - Jupiter with moons

Moon and planet Jupiter, November 27th, 2022

November 27th, 2022 at the beginning evening it looks not so bad. I took some photos of the moon - waxing 18 - 19% - using the refractor telescope ED80-600 mm and camera NIKON Z6. But near to the horizon clouds of fog were appearing more and more and also the humidity was very high. So i took a quick photo of planet Jupiter (see the moons Europa, Ganymed and Kallisto to the right and leftside out the moon Io). At 8 pm all was fog. Sorry - I packed all equipment away.

Moon with light from earth - Jupiter with moons

Again in use NIKON Z 6, November 21st, 2022

November 21st, 2022 suddenly the fog ans clouds disappired and there was clear sky until 11:30 pm. I used my SW EQM35 Pro mounting together with the refractor telescope ED80-400 including reducer to shorten the focus length to 400 mm. The socalled Northamerica-nebula NGC 7000 in constellation swan is to be seen on the left side photo. A few degrees upwards the open cluster M 39 again in swan - we inside the milky way - therefore the impressive large number of stars can be seen. The main star Altair in constellation Eagle (Aquila) and the open star cluster M52 with Nova Cas 21 and the nebula Caldwell C 11 on the next picture. All photos with camera NIKON Z6 - ISO 2000 and 30s exposure time, all pictures stacked.

Opne star cluster M 39 - Main star Altair in Eagle - M 52, Nova and C 11 in Cassiopeija

New camera in use, October 25th, 2022

October 25th, 2022, after the partial eclipse at noontime the new camera NIKON Z6 was in use. Together with the Newtontelescope N200 F4 from Sepp Hager I took photos of the clobular cluster M 13 in the constellation of Hercules, globular cluster M 56 and Ring-nebula M 57 - both in the constellation of Lyra and last but not least again a picture of the double star system of Albireo in the constellation of Swan.

The globular star cluster M 56 - The Ring nebula M 57 - The double star system of Albireo (Beta Cygni) in constellation Swan

Partial eclipse at October 25th, 2022

October 25th, 2022 at noontime there was a partial eclipse to observe in Steyr, Austria. Start at 11:15 am MEST ending approx. two hours later. The maximum with 25% was 12:20 pm. I have used the APO ED80-600 refractor mounted on SW EQM35 PRO. Camera SONY alpha 58 with ISO 200. Exposure time 1/800 sec.

APO ED80 at the eclipse

Again Newton N200 F4 dated July 19th, 2022

July 19th, 2022 evening again the Newton telescope N200-800 mm F4 from Sepp Hager was in use. The Lagoon-nebula M 8, Trifid nebula M 20 as well as the open star clusters IC 1287, M 11 (left photo - so called 'Wild Duck Cluster') and the globular star cluster M 13 in constellation Hercules were targets. The Ring-nebula M 57 in constellation Lyra and the double star Albireo in Cygnus (swan) were observed, the two components shining in different colors (red and blue).

The Lagoon nebula M 8 - The Trifid nebula M 20 - The open star cluster IC 1287
The globular star cluster M 13 in Hercules - The Ring nebula M 57 in Lyra
The double star Albireo in swan - visual distance 35 arcminutes

Comet C2017 K2 visits M10 on July 15th, 2022

July 15th, 2022 the comet C2017 K2 (Panstarrs) has visited the globular star cluster M 10 in the constellation Ophiuchus. The picture was made with the refractorteleskop ED80-400 mm with focus length reduction (F5). The seeing was in a medium range until the moon rises at 11:15 pm. The globular star cluster M 10 has approx. 14,500 light years distance to earth and has an apperent mag of 6.6. The comet is mag 11 - distance to earth of 270.5 mio km - and is on the limit of the small telescope. The picture was stacked from 5 single photos ISO 800 with an exposure time of 30 sec each.

The comet observed July 19th, 2022 with telescope N200 F4 - Total exposure tome 360s

Galactic nebulas and star clusters observed July 2nd to 3rd, 2022

Evening of July 2nd, 2022 the Newton 200-800 mm from Sepp Hager again was in operation. Unfortunately the seeing was not so good as last week. The photo left hand side shows the 'Lagoon' nebula M8, this time with the 8 inch reflector telescope with 800 mm focus length. The other pictures are M16 ('Eagle Nebula'), M17 ('Omega' or 'Swan' nebula), M20 ('Trifid' nebula) with star cluster M21, the globular star cluster M22, the star cloud M24 and the open star cluster M25. At 2 am the observation was stopped by setting clouds. All photos are stacked from single exposures taken by the camera SONY alpha58, exposure time 30 sec and ISO 1600.

M 16 'Eagle' nebula - M17 'Omega' nebula - M20 'Trifid' nebula with star cluster M21

Globular star cluster M22 - Star cloud M 24 - Open star cluster M 25

Pictures of nebulas and star clusters from June 25th to 26th, 2022

Despite smoke production during the fire works of the 'Steyr Stadtfest' around midnight there was an excellent seeing in the city, so I could see the milky way in the town area in my garden. So I decided to use my refractor telescope ED80-400 (with focus length reduction to 400 mm - F 5) to get some sensationell photos. Starting (left side photo) with the 'Lagoon' nebula M8 in the constellation Sagitarius; this photo shows on the left hand side below also the globular star cluster NGC 6544 ( app mag = 9) and on the top a part of the 'Trifid' nebula M 20, located on top of the picture showing the red / blue color I find very impressive, and on top left the open star cluster M 21. The next picture shows the two globular star clusters M 4 (app mag = 5.6) und NGC 6144 (app mag = 9.6) around 'Antares' - main star of constellation Scorpio, as well as the globular star cluster M 10 (mag = 6.6) in constellation Ophiuchus and M 11 (Wild Duck open star cluster mag = 5.8) in constellation shield; the galactic 'Omega' nebela M17 in constellation Sagitarius formed the end of my star trip - the moon rises. All photos are stacked from single exposures taken by the camera SONY alpha58, exposure time 30 sec and ISO 1600.

M 20 'Trifid' nebula -- 'Antares' with M 4 in Scorpius - Description

M 10 with 600 mm focus length -- Open starcluster M 11 -- The 'Omega' nebula M 17

New photos from galaxies M 51 and M 101 dated June 12th, 2022

June 12th, 2022 even close to the full moon I have again tried the Newton F4 200-800 mm from Sepp Hager. This picture was derived from 20 single photos with exposure time of 30 s, in total 10 minutes. Next target was the pin wheel galaxy M 101. Both galaxies have an approx. distance from earth of 20 Mio light years and have an appernet magnitude of 8.4 mag (M 51 - 23 mio ly) and 7.9 mag ( M 101 - 21 Mio ly ).

M 101 with N200 F4

Meteor observed in Steyr, May 26th, 2022

May 26th, 2022 short after midnight I could observe a Meteor in constellation Lion. The picture shows the track of the meteor which I have drawn lateron. The flight track led from starting above besides the star Denebola down to the horizon.

New ASTRO-photos dated from May 18th, 2022

May 18th, 2022 the Newton F4 200-800 mm telescope from Sepp Hager was ready for new photos. The three galaxies in the constellation of Leo M 66, M 65 and NGC 3628 I had alteady last year selected for a photo. They are also knowns as the LEO-Triplet, because they form a group in a distance to earth of approx. 35 Mio light years. This photo was stacked in total of 54 single pictures (30 sec each) - total exposure time of 28 min (photo to the left). The open star cluster M 67 ii the constellation of cancer has a distande to earth of 3,000 light years with an apperent magnitude of 6.1 mag. This picture again was stacked from 30 single photos each 20 sec exposure time giving in total apprtox. 10 minutes. Last but not least a very interesting object: M 60 and M 59 are galaxies and close to M 60 is the galaxy NGC 4647 - one star in this galaxy exploded in a socalled SUPERNOVA. The distance to earth is 61 Mio light years and the bright star can be seen in the detailed photo. Total exposure time approx. 15 minutes.

M 67 open star cluster with N200 F4 --- M 60 and NGC 4647 showing SN2022hrs

The crab nebula M 1, March 1st, 2022

March 1st, 2022 again clear sky, no clouds - the mount is ready expecting dawn will darken the sky. The mount will be adjusted with ED80 refractor and 2-star method. First target is Mirach in constellation Andromeda and some quick photos. Also the galaxy M 33 photos taken by APO ED80. Then change to RCC 8 inch with 67% reduction lens. Mirach with NGC 404 (ghost) is the first target (2,05 mag - 200 lightyears -- NGC 404: 11,5 mag - 10 mio lightyears, distance to Mirach 7 arc minutes). Then the open star cluster M 52 in constellation Cassiopeija - the NOVA star from 2021 still good visible. Search for M 33, but not found. Next via Plejades to M 42 - the Great Orion nebula, taking some more photos: Then the crab nebula M 1, a supernova remnant some 1000 years ago, dicovered by chinese astronomers, they called it a 'guest star' - photo on left hand side (8,4 mag - 6,500 lightyears). Last Targets are the open star clusters in constellation Auriga, M 38 with NGC 1907, M 36, M 37 and M 35 with NGC 2158 in Gemini. All photos from RCC with reduced focus length to 1088 mm. 'Baby, its cold outside', some degrees below zero - I decide for: GAME OVER !

M 33 with APO ED80 --- Mirach with NGC 404 (ghost) RCC --- M 52 RCC --- M 42 with RCC 203-1088 mm

RCC: M 38 with NGC 1907 below --- RCC: M 36 --- RCC: M 37 --- RCC: M 35 and NGC 2158 --- ED80-600: M 35 and NGC 2158

Photo of great Orion nebula M 42, February 12th, 2022

February 12th, 2022 again good weather, only the moon light was rather strong and hindering good astro photos. Nevertheless my refractor telecope APO ED80-600 mm with SONY alpha58 mounted on EPM 35 Pro and SONY A 100 with tamron 15 - 250 mm zoom lens on LX 34 were ready again. The great Orion nebula M 42 was the first target - during wintertime a highlight object for each astronomer. Also the open star clusters in the constellation Taurus, the Hyades with main star Aldebaran and the Plejades ( M 45 ) were good targets to find. Both pictures were taken by the SONY alpha camera A 100 with a tamron zoom lens ( 90 mm resp. 250 mm ). Finally the open star cluster M 52 in the constellation of Cassiopeja with the NOVA star from year 2021. --- Another two pictures from M 42 taken on 23.2.2022 - clear sky and no disturbing moonlight. First picture take with APO ED80-600 mm and the second with 8 inch RCC with focus length reduction to 1088 mm.

Hyades and Plejades M 45 in Taurus with A 100 --- The Plejades M 45 with ED80 --- Open star cluster M 52 with NOVA Cass 2021 with ED80

M 42 with ED80-600 mm 243 sec --- M 42 with RCC 203-1088 mm 295 sec

Photo of Andromeda galaxy M31, February 9th, 2022

February 9th, 2022 no clouds the whole day - time for my refractor telecope APO ED80-600 mm with camera SONY alpha58 to be active. Already during daytime I started with the sun spots (photo below). You can see the comparison between the NASA photo from SDO (Solar Dynamics Observatory) and my ED80. The next photo from planet Jupiter setting between the trees and crows very early during dawn. Then the moon waxing at 61% illumination. With the 67% reduction lens my telescope reaches 402 mm focal distance: ideal for catching the entire Andromeda galaxy M31 with her neighbors M32 and M110, standing now high in the western sky. Unfortunately the moon was very close so the exposure time was limeted to 25 sec because of the moon light disturbance. Last picture of Mirach (Beta Andromeda) with his 'ghost' - a red giant star (apparent magnitude 2,1 mag) and a distance of approx. 200 light years and in distance of 7 arc minutes the small elliptic galaxy NGC 404 (distance from earth 10 Mio lightyears - apparent magnitude 12,54 mag). Thats why it is not so easy to take a good picture because the bright Mirach outshines the small galaxy very easy. Nevertheless the 'ghost' galaxy NGC 404 is good visible.

Comparison SDO (NASA) and APO ED80-600 from 2022-02-09

Jupiter setting in the dawn

The moon at 2022-02-09 waxing at 61% illumination

Mirach and 'ghost' NGC 404 -- Mirach and NGC 404 but with RCC telescope 8" F/8

Sun spots at winter begin, December 21st, 2021

December 21st, 2021 beginning of winter. I have observed the sun spots and took a picture. Camera SONY A 100 - Telescope M 100 - 1000 mm with sun filter. Comparison with SDO from NASA of course without atmosphere (copyright NASA). Next day telescope APO ED80 - 600 mm and camera SONY alpha58.

Comparison SDO (NASA) and M 100 Dec. 21st

Comparison SDO (NASA) and ED80 Dec. 22nd

Comparison SDO (NASA) and ED80 2022-01-15

Evening star planet Venus, November 23rd, 2021

November 23rd, 2021 I have catched the evening star Venus with my SONY alpha58 camera in the dawn period. The detailed picture was taken with my Maksutov telescope MCX127 with 1900 mm focus length and the camera SONY alpha 58 using a 2x digital zoom. The planet shows a moonlike sickel-shape with 40% lighting. Unfortunately the air condition was not good. - December 3rd 2021 the air quality was better (tamron 90 mm - 85 mm - 55 mm).

Venus with tamron 250 mm lens -- Venus with MCX127 - 1900 mm

Venus am 3. Dez. 2021 um 17:39 h -- Venus am 3. Dez. 2021 um 17:40 h -- Venus am 3. Dez. 2021 um 18:03 h -- Moon and Venus Dec 6th, 2021

Sun spots photo, October 29th, 2021

October 29th, 2021 a photo of the sun spots using the refractor telescope ED80-600 mm with Sony alpha58 in main focus.

Sun November 9th, 2021

Photo of M 57 Ring nebula in the constellation Lyra, clobular clusters M 56 (Lyra) and M 92 (Hercules), September 24th and 25th, 2021

September 24th and 25th, 2021 I have made photos of M 57 Ring nebula in the constellation of Lyra and from the clobular star clusters M 56 (Lyra) and M 92 (Hercules). I have used my refractor telescope SkyWatcher ED80-600 mm mounted on EPM 35 PRO together with the camera SONY alpha58 in main focus. - The picture left shows M 57 the Ring nebula in the constellation of Lyra. The origin was approx. 20,000 years ago when a star collapses by explosion and lost the outer region of itself. Today shows up as a socalled Planetary nebula in a distence from earth of 2,300 light years having an apparent magnitude of 8.8 mag. --- The globular star cluster M 92 in the constellation of Hercules has an approx. distance from earth of 27,000 light years with an age of about 13 billions years. The apparent magnitude is 6.3 mag - good visible with normal field glasses. Another picture from constellation Lyra showing the globular star cluster M 56, distance from earth approx. 33,000 light years and apparent magnitude of 8.3 mag. All pictures are stacked from single photos of exposure times of 20 to 30 seconds. Total exposure times ranging from 100 to 220 seconds.

Globular star cluster M 92 (Hercules) --- Globular star cluster M 56 (Lyra) -- The large gas planets Jupiter and Saturn

Picture of globular star cluster M 13 in the constellation of Hercules, September 6th, 2021

September 6th, 2021 I have made a photo of the globular star cluster M 13 in the constellation of Hercules. The telescope was the refractor from SkyWatcher ED80-600 mm mounted on EPM 35 PRO and camera SONY alpha58 in main focus. Exposure time 120 x 25 s stacked. - The globular cluster M 13 in the constellation of Hercules has an approx. distance from earth of 22,000 lightyears and is about 11 billion years old. The apparent magnitude is 5.8 mag - good seeing conditions make it visible for the unaided eye.

Moon photo SEP 13th, 2021 waxing 49% --- Moon photo SEP 14th, 2021 waxing 60%

Both pictures of the moon taken by telescope MC 100/1000 mm, exposure time 1/250 s in main focus of SONY alpha58.

View to the Universe, June 4th, 2021

June 4th, 2021 succeed to view to the distant universe. Telescope: APO ED80-600 mm mounted on SkyWatcher EQM35 - camera SONY alpha58 in mainfocus. - The picture shows the socalled 'LEO-Triplet', three distant galaxies in the constellation LEO - M65, M66 and NGC3628. The photo was stacked from single pictures with an exposure time of 45 sec with ISO 800, total exposure time around 68 minutes. The three galaxies form a group in a distance from earth of approx. 35 millions lightyears with an age of more than 13 billions years. Magnitude 9 to 10 mag, diameter 100,000 Lys. - July 12th, 2021 I had the chance to catch the globular star cluster M3 in the constellation canes venatici; the distance to earth is some 40,000 Lys - it is therefore part of our galaxy (milky way) - it contains approx. half a million of stars and the diameter is some 90 Lys. The apparent magnitude is 6,2 - therefore cannot be seen with the naked eye. Seven single photos taken with 30 sec exposure time, which results in a total time of 210 sec.

Picture with description

Globular cluster Messier 3

Sun- and moonphoto April 20th, 2021

April 20th, 2021 I catch a photo of sun and moon (55% waxing). Telescope: MC100-1000 mm on mounting SkyWatcher EQM35 - camera SONY alpha58.

Sun April 20th, 2021 decription und Sun April 20th, 2021 without

'Messier'-trip in constallations 'Taurus-Auriga-Cancer-Perseus' on April 11th, 2021

April 11th, 2021 clear sky developed in Steyr when the sun sets and there was a good chance for astro photos because the moon was invisible. I have used my refractor telescope ED 80-600 mm on the Skywatcher EQM35-mounting together with SONY alpha58 in main focus. After adjusting the mounting (with 2-stars methode) the first catch was M45 (Plejades) in constallation Taurus, even during dawn period (blue background) photo left hand side. Continued by the open star clusters M38 with NGC 1907 and M36, M37 and M35 with NGC 2158 right below M35, a side step to the nebula M1, a Supernova remnant from 1000 years ago, M44 in constallation 'Cancer' and Open Twin star cluster h and chi in 'Perseus' (also NGC 884 and NGC 869), where a small meteor or satelite joined on the picture. Exposure times always between half a minute and 90 seconds. Finally a photo from the planet 'Mars', travelling his way along the constallations 'Auriga' and 'Taurus'. - Charles Messier was an astronomer who issued his catalogue of more than 110 important objects of the sky all named with Mxx - Messier. NGC stands for New General Catalogue.

Mond and planet Mars form a magic square in constallation 'Taurus' March 18th, 2021

March 18th, 2021 planet Mars, the Plejades (M45), moon and the main star of constallation Taurus Aldebaran in the open star cluster of Hyades form a magic square. Although the weather was very bad I was really lucky when the clouds open up for a short period and i could catch the photos. I used my SONY alpha58 camera on the omegon LX3 mini mounting. Exposure time approx. 1 minute. The moon was rather bright with 24% , so it was not easy to catch the picture. You can also see the way the planet Mars has travelled through the 'Golden door of ecliptic'.

Moon and Mars March 18th, 2021

Planet Mars travels through 'Golden door of ecliptic' March 6th, 2021 and following days

Starting beginning of March 2021 the planet Mars is located mearby the Plejades (M45) and passes then the so called 'Golden door of ecliptic' in the constallation of Taurus. For this purpose the planet Mars travels between the two open star clusters of Hyades including the main star of Taurus Aldebaran (a red giant star) and the Plejades. Aldebaran (distance from earth 67 light years) has 1.16 times the mass of the sun, but his diameter is more than 45 times that of our sun and the illuminating power is 150 times that of the sun. On the photo left side you can see the red color light of planet Mars (called the 'red planet') in comparison to the stars of the Plejades, which are relative younger stars and shining white. The distance of Plejades open star cluster is approx. 1,350 light years, the Hyades's distance - also an open star cluster - is 151 light years. All pictures made by SONY alpha58, on mounting SkyWatcher EQM35. Exposure times approx. 3 minutes.

Mars in the 'Golden door' --- photo Mars on March 8th --- photo Mars on March 10th --- photo Mars on March 12th

Astro - photos from February 22nd til 26th, 2021

From February 22nd til 26th, 2021 there was excellent weather conditions with clear sky a good opportunity for astro photos. One disadvantage was the strong moonlight, avoiding longer exposure times. The sun spots were rather small and not special, the sun is not very active now. But the open star cluster M 45 the Plejades and the great Orion nebula M 42 were a good target. I heve used both SONY cameras alpha A 100 and alpha 58, as well as the camera mounting omegon LX3 for the tele lens tamron 250 mm. The refractor telescope ED 80-600 mm, the Maksutov MC 100-1000 mm and the reflector telescope RCC 203-1624 mm on SkyWatcher EPM 35 mounting were used.

Astro photos February 2021

Earth light photo of the moon February 14th, and two more photos from February 18th, 2021

On February 14th, 2021 and cold temperature of - 5 degree Celsius I made of photo of the waxing moon 8 % with tamron tele 250 mm and camera SONY alpha58 mount omegon LX3 lunar array drive. Exposure time 0.8 sec. The dark side of the moon becomes some reflection light from the earth.
Two more photos taken with refractor AD80/600 on EQM35 mount show the moon 40 % waxing (1/800 sec) and the Orion nebula M42 (exposure time 2 minutes) both with camera SONY alpha58 in the main focus.

Moon waxing 40 % and M42 Orion nebula

Sun spots picture December 27th, 2020

December 27th, 2020 a sun spots picture was taken using a AP80/600 mm refractor telescope. Picture data camera Sony alpha 58 in main focus - exposure time 1/1000 sec. A metal folie was used as a filter. The air was rather unsteady.

Great conjunction - Jupiter and Saturn at December 21st, 2020

Monday December 21st, 2020 17 h MET: my first sight to Gahberg was disappointing, all cloudy and had doubt that we can see anything today. But than the clouds open up at the southwest. I think the pictures say everything. The telescope photo (left) I have downloaded from a livestream from Cosmosapiens - located on the Canary Islands.

Trio Dec 21st, 2020
All three photos allone here: photo at 17:50 h - photo at 18:10 h - photo at 18:20 h

At 18:30 h all was over - the planets set down behind the clouds and mountains. --- Next to see in 2080 !

Photo Dec 26th at 16:55 MET and Photo Dec 26th at 17:14 MET again with distance.

'Great conjunction' - Jupiter and Saturn meet in December 2020

In December 2020 the two large planets Jupiter and Saturn meet very close for a 'Large conjunction' , of course seen from earth only. The two planets have different periods of revolution around sun - thats why this will repeat every 20 years aprox. But so close (only six minutes of arc = one fifth the size of the moon) they meet very seldom. Here a scetch of the orbits of the planets (© NASA APOD). On my photos from December 5th and 7th, 2020 the planets are not so close. Planet Jupiter shows his large moons - right hand side on the photo. Both pictures taken with SONY alpha 58 tele tamron 250 mm and auto tracked by EPM 35. Exposure times is 20 and 10 sec respectively. The pictures from December 14th and 18th, 2020 were taken from a webcam on Gahberg, because it was fogy in Steyr.

photo Dec 7th - webcam Dec 14th - webcam Dec 18th

Sunspots on December 2nd, 2020

Am 2. Dezember ist mir ein Foto der Sonne mit der neuen astrocam von Altair GPC 130 C BASIC gelungen. Nach Jahren der Inaktivität der Sonne im Minimum gibt es nun wieder Sonnenflecken - Gebiete mit ca. 1000 bis 1500 grad Kelvin niedrigerer Oberflächentemperatur. Die Camera war auf einem kosmos 50 / 500 mm Linsenfernrohr und auf der sky watcher EQM 35 PRO montiert. Belichtungszeit ca 5 ms. Es wurde ein Metallfolien - Sonnenfilter verwendet. Das Foto wurde aus 3 verschiedenen Aufnahmen zusammengesetzt.

Zum Vergleich eine HD Aufnahme der NASA vom SDO (Solar Dynamics Observatory), das im Weltraum auf einem Sateliten positioniert ist (copyright NASA).

Planet Jupiter and large moons - November 30th, 2020

Am 30. November ist mir erstmals ein Foto von den Jupitermonden mit der neuen astrocam von Altair GPC 130 C BASIC gelungen. Die Camera war am 1000 mm Maksutov und auf der sky watcher EQM 35 PRO montiert.

Comet Neowise 2020F3, July 19th, 20th and 22nd, 2020

July 19th, 20th and 22nd, 2020 again photos from comet Neowise 2020F3 with Canon EOS and tele lens 250 mm and Sony alpha58 with tamron 250 mm tele lens. As mount I have used my LX3. Exposure times from 30 sec til 2 minutes. Photos shot in Steyr, Neuschönau.

comet 2020F3

Comet Neowise 2020F3, July 12th, 2020

July 12th, 2020 in Steyr I had the chance to see the comet Neowise 2020F3. Two shots by my Sony alpha58 and the tamron 250 mm lens. At midnight again Jupiter with the four large moons with my MCX 127 and Sony alpha58. Enjoy the pictures.

again comet 2020F3 and Jupiter and moons

Full moon and moons of Jupiter, July 5th, 2020

July 5th, 2020 the moon was full again, a shot with Sony alpha58 tamron 250 mm and with telescope MCX 127 /1900 mm planet Jupiter with the large moons Callisto, Io, Ganymed and Europa. Jupiter was located approx five full moon diameters above the moon.

Jupiter and large moons

Full moon and planet Venus as a sickle, May 7th, 2020

May 7th, 2020 the full moon and planet Venus were objects for photos. The full moon picture made by Maksutov Cassegrain lens 100 / 1000 mm and planet Venus by Bresser Messier MCX telescope 127 / 1900 mm - Venus already very close to Earth. Both pictures with Sony alpha 58 in main focus.

course of planet Venus and Planet Venus at May 7th, 2020

Planet Venus at the Plejades April 5th, 9th, 2020

April 1st, 2020 at 23:31 MEST - photo of the moon with Bresser Messier MCX telescope 127 / 1900 mm - moon 56 % waxing. The second photo on the right one day later - 67 %. April 5th, 2020 at 20:56 h MEST again a photo of the planet Venus in the open cluster of Plejades. Camera: Sony alpha 58 with tamron 18 - 100 mm, exposure time approx. 40 sec. Another photo of Plejades with Venus - she has made her way up and away from the stars - on April 9th, 2020 21:27 MEST. Camera: Canon EOS with Zoom Lens EF-S 55 - 250 mm, exposure time 55 sec. Both pictures guided by Bresser Messier MCX.

Venus at April 9th, 2020

New photo of the moon, April 1st, 2nd, 2020

April 1st,2020 at 23:31 MEST a photo was taken with Bresser Messier MCX Telescope 127 mm / 1900 mm - waxing moon 56 %. The second photo was taken one day later, moon 67 %.

Moon waxing 67% 2020-04-02 at 23:43 MEST

Conjunction Moon - Venus - Plejades, March 28th, 2020

March 28th, 2020 there was a rare constellation shown in the sky: the young moon (four days) meets the planet Venus and open starfield of 'Plejades' in Taurus. The left picture shows the conjuntion at 19:13 h MET short after sunset, but before astronomic dawn (Plejades not be seen). - The second photo taken at 20:25 MET (exposure time approx 10 sec) shows already earth movement (stars no dots but lines); also to be seen is earth's backlight on the dark side of the moon. The Plejades to be seen in the top middle. Camera Sony alpha 58 with tamron 15 - 250 mm.

Picture from 20:25 pm MET

Merkurtransit November 11th, 2019

November 11th, 2019 after noontime it was after 2016 again the case of a so called Merkurtransit: planet Merkury is positioned between the sun and earth and can be seen as a small black dot before sun. As Merkury is so small it can be seen by a telescope only; a special filter is necessary as the sun is too bright not to damage the eyes. Compared to 2016, this time the weather was bad and cloudy, no free sight to the sun in Steyr. So you had to observe the case via internet from the observatory on mountain Pico del Teide, Canary Islands. The pictures above are from Solar Scope, Canary Islands and their copyright. On the second picture you can see the the view from Solar Scope and the moon is rising in the background.